
Make That Cake: Petal Cake

Miracles. Do. Happen. 

There is a woman out there who has agreed to marry one of my high school best friends! And she wasn't even tricked into saying yes!

I absolutely adore her and all her wedding plans. Garden party wedding with tons of pink and green and gold? Um. It's THE dream. I could geek out about her wedding all day long. Okay. I have. Often. Daily. Fine! I admit it! I created a pinterest board for their wedding! I just love garden parties! So sue me! 

Luckily, I get to make their wedding cake! So I have a few months of practice cakes ahead of me! Garden party for one! 

And what's a garden party without a petal cake? Lame. That's what. 

I'm excited for this post for another reason. I've been wanting to try this for a long time! Introducing my first ever stop motion cake video!

I've been watching it all. day. long. I need help. 

Got the idea now?

Good! Need more? No Problem! Here's my super technical list of steps:
  1. Frost a cake and get smooth edges around the sides. (Tip! Dipping your knife in hot water will heat the blade and help your frosting smooth more easily!) 
  2. Pipe a bunch of blobs of icing (I used buttercream) all around the edge of the cake.
  3. Using a spoon, spatula, cake decorating thingy-magigger, press down on the blob and pull into the middle of the cake. 
  4. Repeat for all blobs. 
  5. Make another circle of blobs an inch or two in from the previous row. 
  6. Repeat. Over and over again. Once there is no more room, add a few tiny yellow blobs to fill in the middle. 
  7. Put tiny blobs all around the bottom.  
This is a very simple cake that is very quick to decorate and looks very impressive. It's a perfect beginners cake!

Don't have a piping bag? You can use a gallon size zip lock bag! You don't even need any piping tips. Cut a bit off the corner (just under half an inch) and get to blobbing! For the bottom edging, grab another bag and this time only cut off a tiny bit (less than a quarter of an inch).

Don't have a zip lock bag? You can scoop half tablespoons of buttercream on the cake instead of piping on a blob. It'll take longer, but in a pinch it'll work! Just don't attempt the tiny blobs around the bottom and leave that plain.

Done and done.

Happy decorating!